Saturday 1/20/2024 at 11:10 am: North Coast Intergroup meeting announcements.
1. New Officers are: Jill T, Chair; Barbara P, Vice-Chair; Amy M, Treasurer; Ann G, Secretary; Aileen, Website/Communications. We still need someone to be our Region 2 Representative.
2. The Assembly is coming up in Burlingame CA at the Hilton Hotel, SF Airport March 22 and 23, Friday night and all day Saturday. North Coast Intergroup can fund the R2 Rep to fly to SF and stay at the Hotel. Contact Barbara P or Amy M for details.
3. Workshop on February 17 at 11:10 am following the Saturday meeting online. Jeri facilitates topic: Releasing others to the care of their HP.
4. Ann G is planning on starting an in-person meeting in Eureka on Wednesdays at noon sometime soon. Watch our meeting list for details or leave a message on our Contact Form here.
North Coast Intergroup meets online on the third Saturdays of odd numbered Months: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov at 11:10 am on our usual Zoom link above. All are welcome.
Local Workshops are online on the third Saturdays of even numbered months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec at 11:10 am on our usual Zoom link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 813 4873 6671
Passcode: recovery
Or Dial in
+1 669 900 6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 813 4873 6671
Passcode: 87024415
NCIG Business Meeting on 1/21/23 at 11:10 am. Agenda: New Officers and the next Workshop. Please come and support your Intergroup. The meetings are usually less than an hour long and the tasks take little or no time beyond the meeting six times a year. We need a Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, and Website Chair. All jobs are easy and we will walk you through it until you are comfortable.
If we don't fill enough positions, we may have to suspend the Intergroup and stop holding workshops. Please come. Service will keep you Abstinent.
We can change the dates of future meetings if you can't come at the usual time. Let Barbara P or Amy M know.
Events Outside of North Coast
Are you traveling? Visit the OA Region 2 website for events being held throughout the region.
1. New Officers are: Jill T, Chair; Barbara P, Vice-Chair; Amy M, Treasurer; Ann G, Secretary; Aileen, Website/Communications. We still need someone to be our Region 2 Representative.
2. The Assembly is coming up in Burlingame CA at the Hilton Hotel, SF Airport March 22 and 23, Friday night and all day Saturday. North Coast Intergroup can fund the R2 Rep to fly to SF and stay at the Hotel. Contact Barbara P or Amy M for details.
3. Workshop on February 17 at 11:10 am following the Saturday meeting online. Jeri facilitates topic: Releasing others to the care of their HP.
4. Ann G is planning on starting an in-person meeting in Eureka on Wednesdays at noon sometime soon. Watch our meeting list for details or leave a message on our Contact Form here.
North Coast Intergroup meets online on the third Saturdays of odd numbered Months: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov at 11:10 am on our usual Zoom link above. All are welcome.
Local Workshops are online on the third Saturdays of even numbered months: Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec at 11:10 am on our usual Zoom link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 813 4873 6671
Passcode: recovery
Or Dial in
+1 669 900 6833 (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 813 4873 6671
Passcode: 87024415
NCIG Business Meeting on 1/21/23 at 11:10 am. Agenda: New Officers and the next Workshop. Please come and support your Intergroup. The meetings are usually less than an hour long and the tasks take little or no time beyond the meeting six times a year. We need a Chair, Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, and Website Chair. All jobs are easy and we will walk you through it until you are comfortable.
If we don't fill enough positions, we may have to suspend the Intergroup and stop holding workshops. Please come. Service will keep you Abstinent.
We can change the dates of future meetings if you can't come at the usual time. Let Barbara P or Amy M know.
Events Outside of North Coast
Are you traveling? Visit the OA Region 2 website for events being held throughout the region.